Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Getting Started!

Well, here I am giving this blogging stuff a go! I am not very computer literate and I never seem to remember to bring my camera anywhere but I have decided to make an effort. Putting pictures in photo albums does not seem to be getting done so may an archive of our life on a blog will do!


Tim Murphy said...

Nice to see that someone in the family knows something about computers. Can not wait to see more photos of the best looking kids that side of the Frazer.

Uncle T

Marsalie said...

Well done on starting the blog. I think they are kind of fun! I will be checking it daily, so make sure you keep it updated! :) By the way, I love the pictures of the "sprinkler". Very cute.

leona said...

hi Jen. Nice to see pictures of the young ones, they are growing like hops. looking forward to seeing more. Aunt Leona