Monday, September 15, 2008

Kettle River Camping Trip pics

At the end of July and beginning of August we went camping to our favourite spot - the Kettle River in Rock Creek, BC. We went with our friends the French's and had a fabulous time!

Declan became quite the little scuba diver looking for fish to catch in the evening with his dad.
Faith was more of a floating swimmer choosing to look for the fish from the top of the water.

This is a fish that Gabe cast his rod and landed the fish without any help from Daddy. In fact Daddy was on the shore looking for something not realizing that Gabe had cast his rod until Gabe started telling Raph "Daddy, he's jumping!".

This is our favourite swimming spot - it has all the amenities for everyone including the white sandy beach for Mommy! I can close my eyes and put my feet in the sand and pretend that it is the Bahamas!

Lunchtime back at camp.

Declan fishing for the fish he spotted with his scuba gear earlier in the day.
On the way fishing Declan and Raph came across some deer on the trail.

Everyone loving the yellow watermelon we picked up in Keremeos on the way to Rock Creek.

More fishing with Gabe, Dawson and Faith.

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